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Legal notice

Publication manager contact:

ZI Actisud - 263 Allée de l'Emporey
38113 Veurey-Voroize, France


Tiphaine Peter


PETER Tiphaine, Thibaut Branquart and images from the official social networks of the company


Thibaut Branquart

Intellectual property

The texts, photos and graphics published on this website are the intellectual property of POLAR QUEST. Any integral or partial representation made without the consent of the author or his assigns is unlawful and constitutes an infringement giving rise to legal sanctions.

Disclaimer - Content

The information published on this site is carefully selected by POLAR QUEST. The accuracy of this information or its adequacy in relation to a given request cannot be guaranteed. POLAR QUEST cannot be held liable for any direct, indirect or incidental damages resulting from errors, omissions, alterations or delays in updating the data.

Court of competent jurisdiction


Head office

ZI Actisud - 263 Allée de l'Emporey
38113 Veurey-Voroize, France

Implementation and maintenance of the website

Itis Commerce
5 rue du Bourbonnais, 69009 Lyon, France

Design and production:

this online shop was created using the PrestaShop software. Visit the PrestaShop e-commerce blog to keep up to date with the latest news and advice on online sales and management of an e-commerce site.
